
TimWin160.gif (122434 bytes)

Here is a listing of the top scores reported to me for the 1st quarter of 2005. To see scores from a specific game click on the appropriate link below:


5 Hand 21 bullet

BoxE bullet

Crazy 4 Eights bullet

Flip Three bullet

Go 4 Elevens - Standard bullet

Go 4 Elevens - Enhanced bullet

Pick A Pair bullet

Poker Scramble bullet

Rush To 21 bullet

Triple Peaks bullet

Word Scramble

5 Hand 21 High Score Table (formerly 5 Hand Poker)

Are you a 5 Hand Poker fanatic? See if you can top this! The highest scores that have been reported to me (playing the standard game with a 60 second round limit) are as follows (550,000 minimum to qualify):

Score Name Location
1,044,000 Tom Hunter Binghamton, New York
898,100 Richard 'The ROC' Rocamora San Diego, California
885,800 lyle Saffery Honolulu, Hawaii
831,500 Jen Valador San Francisco, California
827,000 csun213 Union City, California
817,000 Aideen Cedar Park, Texas
795,450 Day Tripper Unknown
794,400 Donna Virginia
766,000 Greet Messemaker Katwijk, The Netherlands
731,700 Terry Nation Chattanooga, Tennessee
722,750 RD Laguna Nigel, California
716,400 Paula Kelly Toledo, Ohio
710,100 Leanna Hambonz, Louisiana
696,000 Collette Zwaag, The Netherlands
686,950 roymaster Nijmegen, The Netherlands
673,200 Linda S. Fair Haven, Vermont
638,050 Cableguy Cambridge, England
635,900 Dan Carrollton, Texas
635,350 Kathy Watling Melbourne, Australia
628,200 Ted Bristol, Pannsylvania
607,800 Dina H Walla Walla, Washington

BoxE High Score Table

Are you a BoxE fanatic? See if you can top this! The highest scores that have been reported to me (playing the game using the default settings with a 60 second round limit) are as follows (500,000 minimum to qualify):

Score Name Location
1,402,700 Fred Davenport, Iowa
1,359,950 Sonia&Jim Toronto, Canada
963,800 Cableguy Cambridge, England
928,300 Day Tripper Unknown
887,750 Sue T. Dayton, Texas
774,700 Mike Determan Phoenix, Arizona
744,750 Collette Zwaag, The Netherlands
731,450 Frank Cleveland, Ohio
701,700 Aideen Cedar Park, Texas
692,450 roymaster Nijmegen, The Netherlands
680,350 Jerry W Allen II Wheelersburg, Ohio
643,200 Anita F Middle River, Maryland
620,150 Dina H Walla Walla, Washington
617,250 Kim Arlington, Texas
602,200 Petra Geuther Hildburghausen, Germany
597,200 Carolsue Woodstock, Illinois
586,660 Hankster Fair Haven, Vermont
544,300 Nancy Hammer Eugene, Oregon
537,150 Stephanie Dunedin, Florida
531,450 Greet Messemaker Katwijk, The Netherlands
522,050 csun213 Union City, California
510,900 Nancy Raleigh, North Carolina

Crazy 4 Eights High Score Table

Are you a Crazy 4 Eights fanatic? See if you can top this! The highest scores that have been reported to me (playing the game using the default settings with a 90 second round limit) are as follows (13,000,000 minimum to qualify):

Score Name Location
30,448,000 Cableguy Cambridge, England
30,378,300 Timmy Honolulu, Hawaii
29,077,200 csun213 Union City, California
25,442,200 Roymaster Nijmegen, The Netherlands
25,188,300 Donna Virginia
23,224,900 Nancy Raleigh, North Carolina
22,690,400 AJ Hammond, Indiana
22,291,200 Nancy Raleigh, North Carolina
21,734,700 Collette Zwaag, The Netherlands
21,320,300 Joe Kimmel Lebanon, Pennsylvania
19,121,300 Greet Messemaker Katwijk, The Netherlands
18,407,600 Bob Mesa, Arizona
16,456,900 Ron Columbus, Ohio

Flip Three High Score Table (formerly Triple Flip)

Are you a Flip Three fanatic? See if you can top this! The highest scores that have been reported to me (playing the standard game with a 120 second round limit) are as follows (210,000 minimum to qualify):

Score Name Location
519,300 Joe Kimmel Lebanon, Pennsylvania
337,900 Tom Hunter Binghamton, New York
333,500 Richard Rocamora San Diego, California
330,700 Mark Tansopalucks Cerritos, California
324,650 Cathie New Jersey
322,550 Cableguy Cambridge, England
319,650 Donna Virginia
302,600 Greet Messemaker Katwijk, The Netherlands
302,200 csun213 Union City, California
272,150 Viv Keohane Glenfield, New Zealand
265,400 Ron Columbus, Ohio
249,750 Aideen Cedar Park, Texas

Go 4 Elevens High Score Table- Std Rules (formerly Eleven Up!)

Are you a Go 4 Elevens! fanatic? See if you can top this! The highest scores that have been reported to me (playing the game using the standard rules and default settings with a 90 second round limit) are as follows (175,000 minimum to qualify):

Score Name Location
188,800 BH42WH Unknown
188,800 Cathie New Jersey
185,000 Steve Canada
185,000 Joe Kimmel Lebanon, Pennsylvania
179,100 Aideen Cedar Park, Texas

Go 4 Elevens High Score Table- Enhanced Rules

Are you a Go 4 Elevens! fanatic? See if you can top this! The highest scores that have been reported to me (playing the game using the enhanced rules and default settings with a 90 second round limit) are as follows (175,000 minimum to qualify):

Score Name Location
191,700 Rick Iowa
187,600 Viv Keohane Glenfield, New Zealand
185,700 Jim Holland Parma Heights, Ohio
185,300 Aideen Cedar Park, Texas
185,100 Momma Bonz Hambonz, Louisiana
184,400 Vance Unknown
183,600 csun213 Union City, California
183,500 Sonia&Jim Toronto, Canada
183,400 Steve Canada
182,700 roymaster Nijmegen, The Netherlands
182,700 Collette Zwaag, The Netherlands
182,600 Dale Huntsville, Alabama
182,200 Anita Middle River, Maryland
182,100 cindikd Unknown
181,900 Cathie New Jersey
181,600 mom Columbus, Ohio
181,600 Joeb Aldan, Pennsylvania
181,200 Lisa Long Island, New York
180,000 Karen Surrey, England
179,500 Linda Rafalski Canton, Michigan
179,100 Joe Kimmel Lebanon, Pennsylvania
178,400 ReVenGe Carrollton, Texas
177,500 Mojodoggy New Cumberland, Pennsylvania
177,300 Nancy Raleigh, North Carolina
177,100 Dina H Walla Walla, Washington
175,800 Greet Messemaker Katwijk, The Netherlands

Pick A Pair High Score Table (formerly Take Two)

Are you a Pick A Pair fanatic? See if you can top this! The highest scores that have been reported to me (playing the standard game with a 45 second round limit) are as follows (140,000 minimum to qualify):

Score Name Location
197,600 Craig Wisener Northern Ireland
187,900 csun213 Union City, California
180,700 Donna Virginia
174,700 Cableguy Cambridge, England
174,200 Greet Messemaker Katwijk, The Netherlands
168,700 Cathie New Jersey
166,500 Nancy Raleigh, North Carolina
166,100 roymaster Nijmegen, The Netherlands
176,500 Aideen Cedar Park, Texas
162,300 Steve Canada
161,200 Kathy Watling Melbourne, Australia
159,100 Joe Kimmel Lebanon, Pennsylvania
157,300 Trish Navarre, Florida
156,000 Viv Keohane Glenfield, New Zealand
153,800 Gary Clark Urunga, Australia
153,800 Mom Columbus, Ohio
152,700 Beth Arthurs Wheelersburg, Ohio
152,300 Jen Valador San Francisco, California
151,700 Mojodoggy New Cumberland, Pennsylvania
148,800 cindikd Unknown
147,700 Tamara New Jersey
146,600 suejay Burbank, California
145,000 Dina H Walla Walla, Washington
143,400 Remy Beentjes Haarlem, The Netherlands

Poker Scramble High Score Table

Are you a Poker Scramble fanatic? See if you can top this! The highest scores that have been reported to me (playing the standard game with a 75 second round limit) are as follows (130,000 minimum to qualify):

Score Name Location
181,580 Aideen Cedar Park, Texas
173,640 Donna Virginia
150,750 Greet Messemaker Katwijk, The Netherlands

Rush to 21! High Score Table (formerly Zip 21)

Are you a Rush to 21 fanatic? See if you can top this! The highest scores that have been reported to me (playing the standard game with a 90 second round limit) are as follows (700,000 minimum to qualify):

Score Name Location
1,415,800 Collette Zwaag, The Netherlands
1,384,800 Greg Fountain Green, Utah
1,382,800 Nancy Raleigh, North Carolina
1,382,800 Day Tripper Unknown
1,326,800 Richard Rocamora San Diego, California
1,297,800 Tammy D Canada
1,293,800 Cathie New Jersey
1,293,800 Thanasi Land O Lakes, Florida
1,271,550 Bryan L. Lindquist Houston, Texas
1,234,800 Mojodoggy New Cumberland, Pennsylvania
1,216,950 Terry Nation Chattanooga, Tennessee
1,183,800 rd Laguna Niguel, California
1,116,400 roymaster Nijmegen, The Netherlands
1,110,700 ROC San Diego, California
1,086,700 Troy Biloxi, Mississippi
1,078,800 WLS Unknown
1,066,750 Leanna Hambonz, Louisiana
1,063,550 Joe Kimmel Lebanon, Pennsylvania
1,035,550 Tedd C Bristol, Pennsylvania
1,032,900 Bonnie Mac Muskogee, Oklahoma
1,027,700 suejay Burbank, California
1,017,800 KJ San Francisco, California
1,009,000 Bre Upper Marlboro, Maryland
1,005,350 Jen Valador San Francisco, California
934,500 Nancy Unknown
929,300 Angela Charlotte, North Caro``lina
923,550 Dell-vman Cleveland, Ohio
913,200 Vance Cincinnati, Ohio
902,450 BonnieMac Muskogee, Oklahoma
885,950 Remy Beentjes Haarlem, The Netherlands
879,400 Harrie Zoetermeer The Netherlands
858,350 Bob Redondo Beach, Vakidorhd
822,050 Linda Cavalier, North Dakota
819,700 Aideen Cedar Park, Texas
778,000 AJ Hammond, Indiana
745,150 Greet Messemaker Katwijk, The Netherlands
725,000 Dina H Walla Walla, Washington

Triple Peaks High Score Table (formerly Tri-Towers)

Are you a Triple Peaks fanatic? See if you can top this! The highest scores that have been reported to me (playing the standard game with a 45 second round limit) are as follows (92,000 minimum to qualify):

Score Name Location
122,000 Aideen Cedar Park, Texas
121,700 Day Tripper Unknown
119,000 Shazz Alphen aan den Rijn, Netherlands
117,200 Leanna 'in yo face' Muse Hambonz, Louisiana
114,600 Joy Fitzpatrick Lake Ozark, Missouri
112,000 Kristy Jacobs Stockton, California
110,400 Kevin "Mackdaddy" Harrell Washington, DC
108,600 Nancy Mt. Pleasant, Michigan
108,100 BH42WH Unknown
107,800 Bryan L. Lindquist Houston, Texas
113,200 Viv Keohane Glenfield, New Zealand
105,200 Charles Sun Union City, California
104,300 Terry Nation Chattanooga, Tennessee
97,500 roymaster Nijmegen, The Netherlands
91,700 Dina H Walla Walla, Washington

Word Scramble! High Score Table

Are you a Word Scramble! fanatic? See if you can top this! The highest scores that have been reported to me (playing the standard game with a 45 second round limit and the topic set to random phrases) are as follows (430,000 minimum to qualify):

Score Name Location
596,150 Cableguy Cambridge, England
523,600 AJ Hammond, Indiana
522,800 Linda Rafalski Canton, Michigan
514,200 Tom Hunter Binghamton, New York
492,050 Trish Navarre, Florida
481,200 Brian L. Lindquist Houston, Texas
471,750 Donna Virginia
453,950 Remy Beentjes Haarlem, The Netherlands
452,650 suejay Burbank, California
459,150 Joy Fitzpatrick Lake Ozark, Missouri
446,400 Aideen Cedar Park, Texas
445,900 Anita F Middle River, Maryland

If you have a high score worthy of mention that meets or exceeds the minimum score requirement, send it to me (at TimWin@MSN.COM) and I'll post it here! Be sure to include the Game name, your Name, your City (or Country) and your Score.

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