Halloween 2000
The Bar M Dude Ranch is located in the beautiful Blue Mountains of Eastern Oregon on the Umatilla River, located in a small valley...amid tall pines and grassy slopes to the North and stately fir trees on the steeper slopes to the South. Lynda, Tim, Julie and Michelle spent a week there in August of 2000. For over 50 years the Baker family has owned and operated the Ranch, developing it into one of the most unique and rewarding guest ranches in the West.
The Horses: 30 horses are available for morning, afternoon or all-day rides. Its a hands-on relationship where a horse is picked to suit your riding skills and its yours for the week...to curry, saddle, ride and grow fond of. It was like having your own horse for a week!
The Food: All meals were served family-style in the Ranch House. Much of the food is grown on the Ranch and there was plenty to go around!
Activities: There were plenty of fun activities: Swimming (in a pool heated by natural hot springs~90 F), horse back riding, fishing, volley ball and basket ball in the barn, tether ball, horse shoes, square dancing and much more!
The main lodge of the Bar M Ranch, built in the late 1800's.
The dining room, located in the main lodge serves the best homemade meals around!
The Lakeside cabin. This cozy abode is where we all stayed this trip.
The horses take a break during an afternoon ride.
Mike, Lynda and Tim
Julie, Mike and Tim
Midweek several of us to a hike to the wreck of a B-52 which
crashed back in
1938. The crash site consists of the engines (pictured above), pieces of
fuselage, landing gear and wings. The hike was fairly difficult, gaining
2,400 feet over seven miles.
Seven weary hikers!
Sally gets a workout at the ping pong table.
Tim, Lynda, Julie and Michelle at the Friday night square dance.
If you want additional information on the Bar M Ranch you may contact them at:
Baker's Bar M Ranch
58840 Bar M Lane
Adams, Oregon 97810
Or Call Toll Free
(888) 824-3381